+90 212 356 78 62 – 63 - 64

Review Services:

  • Control of the books that are legally obligatory, from the perspectives of entry procedures and affirmation, within the framework of the Tax Procedure Law and Turkish Commercial Code,
  • Control of:
    • Accuracy of the accruals,
    • Consistency with the accounting records,
    • Arithmetic and proportional accuracy,
    • Timely and complete payment, of the Value Added Tax, Withholding Tax, Stamp Duty Returns and Social Security Premium declarations of the company,
  • Examination of the personnel payrolls through sampling, and their control in terms of accounting
    • Arithmetical accuracy of computation from gross pay to net pay,
    • Deductions being proportional to the amounts stated in the laws,
    • Correct recording of wage accruals
  • Control of the outgoing invoices, which are prepared by the company, through sampling in terms of:
    • Adequacy,
    • Arithmetical accuracy,
    • Proper recording,
  • Control of the income and expense accounts and their accruals through sampling, taking into consideration the: - proper filing of the documents,
    • Legal terms,
    • Content
    • Control of the conformity of the chart of accounts being used with the General Statements of Accounting Practices
  • Control, through sampling, other asset and liability accounts within the framework of the accounting principles and taking into consideration their
  • Control, through sampling, other asset and liability accounts within the framework of the accounting principles and taking into consideration their